
    Bali Holiday Hotel Basic Level Managers Training Course

        In order to build an excellent hotel management echelon, improve the management ability of hotel managers. From April 27, 2018, the hotel began to use the staff's working time to organize management personnel above the foreman level to participate in the basic management training class of Bali Holiday Hotel. The training lasted 15 days, with a total of 16 classes. The lecturer team included hotel general manager Xing Haopan, food and beverage director Hu Jinjie, housekeeping director Chen Ping, and managers above the manager level of each department. The subject content involves "team building", "execution", "hotel development trend", "sales skills", "human resource management" and many other aspects.

        This training was not only taught by hotel managers and above, but also fortunately invited Mr. Kong Liangliang, vice president of the group, and Ms. Zhiling Wang, director of the group administration center, to give lectures to hotel staff. For two consecutive days, two wonderful "food for spirit" classes were brought to the hotel staff. The courses were "Share Honor and Disgrace, Same Development with Bali Holiday Hotel" and "Target Task and Team".

        At the same time, the training also received strong support from the group leaders. During the training, Mr. Wu Jianxin, the executive vice president of the group, visited the training site many times, and put forward the idea of learning and making progress together with the hotel staff. Mr. Wu's incentives gave the hotel staff Great encouragement.

        Through this training, the hotel's grassroots managers fully realized the importance of team and management, and provided a good theoretical foundation for future hotel management. Although the training has come to an end for the time being, the follow-up managerial training will continue. Class content will also be more diverse, and the lecturer team will be more open.